Sunday 10 May 2020

A new job and Wedding day and honeymoon arrive

Bill Clark takes on a new job and is unexpectedly promoted to farm manager, all this just before his wedding to Wendy. The big day arrives and it is off on honeymoon to Brighton.

Steam train passing Milton
...The following morning I progressed through getting myself ready for the midday ceremony, whilst the rest of the family went mildly haywire around me. At least I didn’t have my sister Betty chivvying me, for as one of the two bridesmaids she was with my bride to-be. Our homes were quite near to one another, and in view of Buckingham church, so once the ceremony was over, it seemed no time at all before our two families had finished the wedding breakfast, and were escorting us the few steps to the station. With much hilarity we were helped aboard the steam train, and with some borrowed chalk from the stationmaster, the legend, ‘Just Married’ was lightly scrawled across the door as the train moved out. We both slumped gratefully back into the seats for the first stage of the journey to Brighton...

Listen to the  full podcast of this extract from Bill Clark's, former warden of Wandlebury, autobiography of growing from farmer to conservationist, here:

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